Monday, November 29, 2010

 - Discussion (connection to Task Four):  After reading “How I Learned to Read and Write” by Frederick Douglass, how is his story and yours different?
frederick douglass story was differnet than my strory because we both grew up in two very different  time periods.. when frederick was growing up he really didint know  there was a such thing as writing or reading because at that time black people were slaves  and were not allowed to read or write. the more the white told him he was not allowed to read  the more he wanted to learn how  to do it. in todays world everybodyis allowed to read  and write but my generation hates reading  and writting  we rather learn a new  dance than to sit dow and open up a book. so all in all there is a big difference between my time with reading and writting vs frederick  douglass 's it was more of a need and a want thing  back then and now  it more like a why. 
Discuss Kozol’s “Savage Inequalities:  Children in America’s Schools” (141 – 156)
To your blog, discuss your experiences with reading and writing.
Ø  Before this course, what did you anticipate?
Ø  What were you unsure of and why?
Ø  Discuss your process as a reader and as a writer.
when i first started this course anticipated that it would be much harder than it really is at this point. I also anticipated that there would not be as much homework in the class, but im kinda of glad there was more homework than readings.
well I  was unsure that i was going to be up to speed with the work and the readings  my teacher was going to be giving us  becasue in high school i really didnt like english to much.
the process with my reading is to find out some back ground information about the person who wrote what i am reading at the time . then i turn on some music and start to read alittle bit at a time that way i wont get bored with what i am reading . with my writing  processs i kind of just free style at first, and then i collect additonal information about the topic i writing  about. after that i  have one of my pers read what i already have and the information.